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Tired but not-so-tired. What?
Saturday 1 November 2014 | 0 comments


Pukul berapa dah ni? jap jap.
dah 10.25 malam dah? Cepatnyaaaaaa.

Semester five is moving really fast! Busy Busy Busy!

Nak kata kita buat kerja lambat, macam dah awal dah. (Mungkin)

RESTLESS. (Awak baru belajar Amira, tapi mengeluh dia -.-')

Bukan nak mengeluh, tapi you know, student's life fun comes in when you are doing your assignments. Macam pelik bunyi dia kan? hahha but that's the truth. Macam kita sekarang ni tengah study Journalism, sangat best bila pegi shooting untuk news dan third languageeeeee! Bestest part is the editing part! Paling happy bila tengok outcome dia setimpal dengan usaha! Faham tak perasaan tu? Faham tak? Best kan?

Lepas tu, bila keluar untuk cari news! Ohhh sangat best bila acah acah interview corporate people. Time tu semua orang nak pakai cantik-cantik, and the boys will be very handsome with the tie and all. Kalau tak, huhh! masing-masing air liuq basi melekat lagi time pegi kelas hahaha

Alhamdulillah pensyarah memberi kepercayaan kepada kita untuk handle this semester punya kolokium. Makin sibuk la cite dia (Read: I'm a Project Manager lulz) Terima kasih untuk guidance encik! Happy dapat team yang awesome (so far) and supportive classmates and families. Hoping it will be a successful event! Korang datang tau nanti! I'll update the info later okay?

Take care xx

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